Tuesday, August 27, 2013

That One Kid

That one kid. Every class has one (or five.) The kid that, even on the first day of school, is set that they simply do not want to be there and all of their actions are making sure that you know it.

Maybe they are excessively tardy on the first day, even though they have been at this school for three years. Maybe they sneak those head phones in every time you look away, sliding their cap back on for the fourth time this class period. Maybe they sleep through the syllabus you worked on all summer perfecting.

It happens. It's frustrating, but it happens.

These kids are the reason teachers are so important. You have a choice. Berate and tear them down on the first day? or Maybe smile and tell them how happy you are that they made it to class.

Maybe you'll be the reason they come back tomorrow.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Positivity: The main reason you shouldn't be negative.

With all of the excitement a new school year brings, it can also bring lots of intimidating changes. New administration, new co-teachers, new policies... All of which can be very scary, especially for more experienced teachers. There are really only two ways you can handle these changes: Positively or Negatively.

A positive attitude will render positive results. What is the worst that could happen? A negative attitude will ensure you are miserable as things around you evolve and change, and you, get left behind.

I am still a baby teacher. I am still learning and adjusting my practice and finding new ways to reach my little butterflies. But shouldn't we all be?

We preach to our kids about being  eternal learners and always searching to be better students. When did teachers become exempt from that?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fresh and New!

The new school year is rapidly approaching, and as a teacher (and a dork) there is no more exciting feeling. I get to meet 120 (at least) bright and fresh new faces! I get to try out some new teaching techniques and perfect old ones. Construct new concepts to fresh, new minds. It is really just too exciting.

A new school year can also mean a fresh start, especially for students. Maybe some of our little butterflies are moving to a different campus, full of totally unfamiliar faces! Maybe they are adventuring into more advanced classes or looking to start fresh and improve on past performances?

The other Ag Teachers and I have decided to power wash and clean our almost 35 year old wood shop. After it is shiny and new, we are going to apply a fresh coat of paint, and display all of the awards our FFA chapter has accumulated over the past 87 years! Hopefully this will give a fresh new outlook and give that old shop some new opportunity! 

As teachers, I hope sometimes we can look at our students in the same way we are looking at our Ag Shop. They are not always polished or pretty. They are NEVER without an imperfection (or many), but it is our job as EDUCATORS to scrub past the years of bad experiences or lack luster performance.
We must give them an opportunity to start all over.

After all, it is a New Year.