Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why being Awkward is Excellent

I have always been awkward. It is pretty much the only thing that comes natural to me. I am perfectly ok with it, however other people often aren't.

This might help me to relate so well with the kids I teach, since they are essentially in the most awkward phase of their lives, (which also just so happens to be one of the most life deciding phases in their lives). 8th and 9th graders. Even the 'cool' kids are super awkward. I just love them.

I have learned to just embrace my awkwardness. It has taken me a really long time, lots of tears, and gradual acceptance of myself to realize being awkward is perfectly fine, if that is who you are. And if you are who you are... You are way happier.

Every day I witness my beautiful students battling with their own awkwardness, geekiness, dumbness, smartness, ugliness, all of which are self imposed titles because they feel they are supposed to be a certain way! How sad is this? That 12, 13, 14 year olds are throwing their perfectly perfect unique selves away to fit into a mold that is terribly worn out?  I am over it.

Is it hard to put forth extra effort to embrace the awkwardness? What a difference it could make to our beautifully imperfect children, to know that someone loves their awkwardness. They are appreciated for who they are when they come in the door.

I love the thing below... not sure who made it, but its awesome!

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